The best services provided by the Google playstore
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The best services provided by the Google playstore

Nowadays everyone is using mobile phones that are useful to send messages, making calls, taking photos, using the internet and for many purposes. The applications in the phone are downloaded from the play store of your phone. The play store differs of android phones, iPhones, and windows phones.If you have android phones then you can use Google play store and if you have iPhone then you can use App store. Usually, Google provides updates to your Google store at certain intervals. You can get all kinds of application from Google play that is available on your smartphone.

Services provided by Google play store

The play store always provides regular updates and it is closely related to the android system. There is no need to wait for updates, the play store will automatically update the application through Google play services. It means any version of android phones can have the benefit of using the latest version of the applications. The play store provides a background service and API package to your android devices. It also synchronizes contacts in your mobile phone and also provides some privacy settings to your phone. It also increases your application experience that will speed up the process to search offline, provides a 3dimensional map, and improves gaming experience on your phone.


Music service on Google play store

Google play provides some music related services to your phone that are as follows:

Music products: the Google play allows you to download purchase, browse, and use a musically related file. These products are owned by the third party partners or by Google that contains an identity or other root data.

Stored content: Google store is also used to store content like music files in music storage software. It may contain both the files that you directly upload to the music storage and files stored in your device.

Music services: You can access the server space to store music and data files associated with music. It allows you to manage, upload, access and play music from the music storage.

Use of music services: If you store music files and content in music storage the Google play will make all the files accessible in your Google account.

Rights to stored content: You can have rights to the content that you already hold in stored content.