Guide To Measure the Replacement Canopy Tops
1 min read

Guide To Measure the Replacement Canopy Tops

Choosing the right canopy replacement cover is generally dependent on manufacturers frame and its specifications. Canopy size isn’t a replacement size. Most of the canopy tent frames that are sold in the major retail stores over the nation will feature the high angled design. It is a signature model and simple to identify by A-shaped roof and high angled apex. There’re 3 important measurements required to make sure that the right canopy replacement is purchased.

canopy replacement

Looks are important

Functionality is an important factor that should be remembered when buying the tops. But, when the functionality part gets covered you should consider how netting looks. It is because gazebo where it can be installed is a part of garden and house premises. Thus, it affects an overall appearance of your house. Suppose netting isn’t selected according to a gazebo then entire appearance is spoiled. Color, design and style of cover should be selected keeping aesthetics of an outdoor structure in your mind.

Picking the correct size is important

Before purchasing the replacement canopy tops for the outdoor structures, it’s very important to take measurement rightly. The structures are generally in the standard sizes and covers are accessible accordingly. However, if you don’t know its exact size and dimension then you have to measure this manually. Why is this very important to measure rightly? Simple! What can happen if cover is undersized? It won’t cover your structure rightly and thus it won’t prevent insects. Suppose it is very big then it will be cut and match as per the size.