How to become a candidate of BR1M
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How to become a candidate of BR1M

If you are applying for the semakan brim 2018, this means that you are a recipient for whatever the government is planning to give out or provide assistance with. Most likely it will be the monetary aid, though the government is looking for other options aside from that.

One way on how you can apply for the next years BR1M program is by applying online. Many eligible candidates have not yet applied and if you are one of them, you need to apply now. But if you are an existing recipient, all you need to do is update your existing application on their website. If you have other questions, you can call them at 1-800-88-2716 (IRB), 03-8882 4565 or 03-8882 4566 (Ministry of Finance) or go to the nearest IRB Office. You can also email them at There are many ways for you to apply, online application is one of those and it’s super easy. Read on if you think you are an eligible recipient.

semakan brim 2018

First things first…

When applying, you will need your valid identification card. Otherwise, you won’t be counted. Surely you have one, right? Then you will have to provide your current or up to date mailing address. This is essential in order to for them to count you as a resident of Malaysia. Next is your banking information. Make sure that it is your latest banking information!

Other details will include…

Your phone number, this is important and it’s very simple. Your cell phone number is already a phone number. Then you will need to provide your profession. Lastly, because you have provided your banking information, you will also need to provide your banking address. Banks like Bank Islam Malaysia, HSBC Bank Malaysia Bhd, and Malayan Banking Berhad are the banks that they allow.

What is Death Benefits Scheme?

Upon your death or your family members’ death, the receiver is entitled to get a one off fee of RM 1000 in case of such disaster. You or the family member who is a candidate just needs to fill up the receiver’s information such as MyKad number, full name, and contact number.

When all of this is done, all you need to do is provide the verification code and send. You will soon be shown everything that you have filled out and make sure that everything is correct. Next, is printing it out so you have proof. It’s easy as pie and it won’t consume much of your time!