During various stages of our life, we will be looking out for help from others. It may be in the form of scholarship from the universities or colleges or even government funding. In United States, government provides funding to various profit and nonprofit organizations in the form of grants. Aim for providing these funding is to stimulate the economy and market along with providing job opportunities. These funding are generally given to the organizations rather than to any particular individual for any pleasure. It is purely for the growth of the country.
Different type of grants given
Federal government in United States provides these grants in four blocks to the various state governments within the United States. They are block grants, categorical grants, project grants and formula grants. One major attraction for these grants is that companies which get the grant do not need to pay back the amount. That is the main reason every one love to get this. All the people are free to apply for the grants and there is no restriction in that. One major thing is grants are not issue for personal financial purposes. So the scrutiny of the application will be more and only those are really eligible will be selected for the grants.
It is not a easy process that will be completed in a week or month. Normally it takes 6 months to even a year to get the grants. Applicants have to go through seven step process to get the funding from the government. It is quite normal as the government funding will always take time across the globe irrespective of the country. First one need to know about the opportunities and once identified they need to create a account in the dedicated website for this purpose. After that they need to create an application package and submit in the portal. Once it is done, they need to wait for application to be accepted. After the award is approved, applicant will be given notification. Once awarded, they need to inform the progress report periodically with the spending progress to the funding agency.
Even though funding for individuals are rare still one can remain hopeful. If you are going to apply for individual gain or publicity then it is better to forget this. Otherwise, one has to patiently wait for the individual funding opportunity. Once you get it, ensure you go through grant application carefully and apply for the same. Content of the application form will be the most important thing as you will be competing with several other individuals for the individual funding and one has to make sure 100 % there is no flaw or mistake in the form.