What is CBD tincture used for? Common uses
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What is CBD tincture used for? Common uses

CBD Tinctures

Most people choose CBD tinctures to help with medical conditions. Pain, anxiety and depression are the most common reasons. However, others take CBD to support their overall health cbd tincture

What do you use CBD tincture for?

In a 2018 survey, 82% of 2,409 respondents said they used CBD for medical purposes. It might come as no surprise, but what is unexpected is the range of problems CBD applies to. (We’ll see why this is later.) Some have chosen cannabinoids for physical reasons, while others prefer tinctures for anxiety or depression.


Most CBD users are drawn to cannabinoids for pain relief, but the type of pain varies. Athletes often use CBD for recovery, muscles and joints. It is also shown to promise to reduce sciatic nerve pain. In some countries, a CBD-based drug, Sativex, is used to treat pain related to multiple sclerosis. Human studies have shown promise in relieving arthritis pain as well.

Anxiety and Depression

Mental health medications often have strong and addictive side effects. For this reason, many people follow a natural path to mental health treatment. Research shows that cannabidiol helps r generalized anxiety disorder , seasonal depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder. It is also safe and effective in treating pediatric patients with sleep problems related to post-traumatic stress disorder . Some believe that CBD’s ability to engage mood-regulating serotonin receptors is the reason for its positive results.

Neuroprotective Properties

The only FDA-approved CBD drug is Epidiolex for childhood epilepsy. But it can also help other neurological disorders like multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer’s neurodegeneration. Additionally, some studies have revealed improved sleep quality for Parkinson’s disease patients, who often have trouble sleeping due to medication and an inability to get comfortable.

Cancer-Related Side Effects

Chemotherapy causes unpleasant symptoms like nausea and vomiting, but CBD may help. One study looked at 177 people who couldn’t find relief from traditional chemo symptom medications. Those treated with CBD and THC experienced a significant reduction in symptoms compared to the placebo group.

Acne and Skin Conditions

 CBD is a powerful anti-inflammatory and antibacterial, which is why it may have the potential to treat acne and reduce oil production of the sebaceous glands. CBD has also been successful in treating other inflammatory skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema.


Some studies indicate that CBD can support the circulatory system and lower blood pressure. CBD’s ability to reduce stress and anxiety is theorized to lower blood pressure for the same reason.