Year: 2019

activity bitcoin

Trading, a business very different from investment

If the activity of day-trading can seem attractive, making the prospect of winning fortunes while staying in front of his computer, the reality is quite different. According to a company, 90% of day-traders end their year in the red. Most of the remaining 10% traded their profession with a constant watch on the markets and the fundamentals of values. It is a complex, stressful and risky job that requires real skills and always keep calm. Contrary to what sellers of “formations”, YouTubers or other “influencers” often want to make-believe, trading can be very difficult to be a subsidiary activity bitcoin to another occupation

The best weapon against volatility: the investment at constant cost

The constant cost investment, or dollar cost average in English, is to smooth its investment over time, regardless of the valuation of the asset. This makes it possible not to have to ask the question of whether it is the right time to buy and to accumulate capital as and when over time.

We get more units of the asset when its price drops and less when its price increases, but the investment charge remains the same in each period. Smoothing your investment also smooths your “average cost of purchase” and reduces the impact of volatility on your portfolio.

What results for the dollar cost average over the last two years of Bitcoin?

An investor who would have started in September 2017 to buy bitcoins at € 100 a week, regardless of the price of Bitcoin, would have crossed both the bubble of the end of 2017 and the bear market of the year 2018.

While these periods made the fortune or the ruin of the day-traders, our investor would have remained imperturbable and would have methodically invested the total sum of 10500 € in 104 weekly purchases of 100 €.

used cars in el cajon

Selling car? – The most common problems

Selling the used car may spell to be easier but the sellers will get into various hassles once they get down in to the market for selling their used car. Many sellers tend to get cheated because of their unawareness about the current market. Some of the most common problems experienced by almost all the used car sellers and the best solution to overcome these problems are discussed below. People who are about to place their first step for selling the car can get benefited out of the following discussion.

Low price

Almost all the used car sellers would have come across this problem. They may have various troubles in selling their car for a better price. Many sellers tend to get fed up because of the way the buyers tend to treat the used car sellers. This will be a great trouble for the sellers who want to make better money out of their used car. Especially the people who are selling their car in order to meet their financial needs may get troubled to a greater extent.

used cars in el cajon


Selling the used car will be a stressful task than they sound to be. The sellers will have various huddles in reaching the buyers who are really in need of the used car. This process of selling the used car will also be time consuming. One may have various troubles in sparing more time for selling their car.


Apart from these, the used car sellers may come across various troubles beyond their imagination. The only solution to wipe of all these hassles is hiring a used car dealers. These dealers are not only specialized in selling the used car but they can also help the people who want to sell their car. By approaching these dealers, one can get a better price for their car and this will also be a stress free choice for selling the used cars in el cajon. The other interesting thing is these dealers will also provide on spot cash to the sellers. Thus, the sellers can make immediate money out of their used cars.