How Bible Study Improves the Mastery of the Bible

When you Bible study, you will find some basic advice you:

  • Follow an organized approach
  • Consider the history and history of the author,
  • consider the context in which passages are written, both within the paragraph and section, and inside the book, such as the book and the Bible as a whole,
  • Use high quality tools (add “non-doctrinal” tools) and,
  • Keep in mind if you are in a spiritual quest (which can shape your interpretations).

You can focus on any of three points of view:

  • What the author wanted to convey
  • What the text means to you, or
  • What does this passage mean exclusively from the point of view of its literary form (characters, plot development, etc.)?

If you want to try to interpret the text, you can choose any of four approaches:

  • Literally, where do you get what the text says letter;
  • Symbolic, where he sees statements, such as: “the transition of the Jordan River to the promised land,” as a metaphor, in this case, as a reference to baptism;
  • Ethical, where you read “between the lines” to interpret what this passage means for your daily life and how to live ethically, and
  • Mystical, where you spend time reading what passages can mean about the future; that is, look for “encoded” values.

The key to mastering such a complex book as the Bible:

  • Follow a systematic learning process,
  • Learn words and study a subject
  • Compare verses
  • Follow good principles to get correct and accurate views, and therefore, values ​​and
  • Have useful learning materials.

Most of the pointers that are mentioned above speak for themselves, but it can be useful to delve into the details of following good principles in order to get accurate and correct views, and therefore the meaning of the text. Following good principles, you:

  • The goal is to find out the correct meaning of the words. You explore how the selected word is used throughout the bible study hong kong. This is the basis of the word learning method. You study the background and root of the word. It uses several vocabularies from academic or widely recognized authorities or other verbal materials, especially those that include a translation test. And be sure to study the synonyms of the word and how they affect the meaning of the passage in which it is located,keep on reading christianity articles hong kong to know the bible more.
  • Use only the Bible to “interpret” biblical material. In other words, trust the Bible to “explain” when the question of interpretation arises. This is especially important when studying symbolic meanings. For example, when you want to see what a mountain symbolizes, find and study all the passages in the Bible that relate to mountains, and then rely first on these passages to determine the best possible symbolic meaning. Treat any other non-Bible interpretation as an assumption