Month: July 2019

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Trade Smart in 2019 With Bitcoin Day Trading Bot

Ever since the inception of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, scientists and developers all over the world have emphasized how the robots and their counterparts, bots, will take over the world by eliminating human labor in daily activities.

As such, bot, also known as the web robot, is a software application that is capable of executing automated tasks over the internet. Therefore, it has found its application in the trading sector too.

Bitcoin, the most famous and the original cryptocurrency, is the newest currency in the market. Because of the block-chain technology that guarantees no hacking, cryptocurrency is also the safest form of online trade that exists. Many investors and technology enthusiasts have invested in this technology, which has gained international recognition in the last two years.

Why do we need a day trading bot?

But the cryptocurrency trade varies greatly from the traditional stock market. It is always open to trade. This feature has two implications. One is that a market that is open 24/7 offers greater opportunities that one can capitalize on. The other is that a human needs sleep and in a market that can change overnight, you need assistance to monitor the fluctuations in the market trends.

Another factor at play here is that most of the investors are working and are employed somewhere or the other. As such, they do not find the time in the day to analyze the market trends. So to compensate for this, many traders and investors, all over the world are switching over to day trading bots.

A bitcoin bot is designed and programmed to perform cryptocurrency (bitcoin) trades just like a human does, but with more efficiency, as it does not tire out nor does it need rest.

There are several options in the market ranging from free bitcoin day trading bot that can be used by anyone to very costly bots used by professional bitcoin day traders.

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How does a Bitcoin Day Trading Bot Work?

They function by using various indicators to analyze the pattern and automatically carry out trading decisions.

Each bot represents a parameter or an indicator and when all of them align in a pattern, will produce a sell or buy signal, updating the exchange platform of your choice to implement the action.

Bots will not always give you perfect results. It is like your advisor but it is up to you to follow that advice. It can help you earn a lot but sometimes, it may render a few losses. There are multiple variables that influence the market and it is almost impossible to gain by every trade.


Find out the truth about payday loans in this post

There has been a long-standing debate about how payday loans help people at the same time bait them to unfairly pay more than what they have borrowed. There has been a lot of posts discouraging people not to apply for a payday loan when in fact, this is the easiest way to get yourself out from a financial problem by utilizing this kind of option which provides you instant money in just hours.

The truth is, there is nothing wrong, and there are no unfair advantages lenders have when it comes to letting people borrow payday loans from them. So, let us set the record straight when it comes to the stigma that a lot of people, particularly those who have not tried applying for a payday loan that this type of loan is not milking people’s money.

When utilized wisely, payday loans can perform a very important function in someone’s life, because this kind of loan provides a viable way for people with lower incomes in gaining access to credit and also improve their ailing financial situation whereas banks that usually refuse to lend to people with lower income.

With that being said, living off with monthly salary is not exciting neither fun considering that you have to spend your entire salary to all the important expenditures in order for you to survive. You have to pay for the rent, the mortgage, food, utilities, and a lot more stuff which you find yourself ending up not having money for yourself, and worse, there could be problems that may arise. People with lower monthly income or salary have problems about money frequently, and the only solution for that is they apply for a quick payday loan where they can easily pay on their next payday.

Above all the bad comments about payday loans like people are forced to pay the entire amount which will only leave them in debt for another amount knowing that their entire salary went to pay for the payday loan that they borrowed, well, the truth is, payday loans can be as flexible as you want it to be. You can pay portions of the entire loan monthly or even weekly until you fully paid for it just like those apply for bad credit loans wisconsin.

If it is a one-off option for you, then chances are that the following month, when you are able to pick things up and regrouped yourself to become financially stable, you can always repay the loan amount as well as your bills and even your rent. If it is not, then a better loan will provide you in reducing your outgoings or your expenditures so that your income will be compensated in a way.

Personal loans are very ideal for one-off events, however, it can turn into an expensive loan if it is used every month while taking out a personal loan in paying your bills and monthly dues, but it can also be a good solution.

A payday loan might be very particular when it comes to its purpose especially during emergency situations and this is also one of the lifesavers for people who have bad credit scores because of the easy application and the not so strict policies it imposes.