Month: December 2017

level of fitness

No Need for a Gym to be fit!

Life can get busy and frequently we discover ourselves incapable to get to our recommended level of fitness. We become incapable because going to the gym or just jogging would really need time and effort. These tips are here to help you keep on track, no matter where you find yourself. Using only your own body weight, these flexible moves can help you build a total-body exercise that suits your needs and capabilities.

Stepping Stairs

Stepping Stairs

Stairway walking is a great workout to do in your home, even if you don’t have a set of stairways available. Find the biggest book you own or a durable chair, put it before the TV, and go up and down while viewing your favorite shows. You may not work up sweating like you would with a jumping rope, but you will be maintaining your entire body effectively and be healthier.


These are probably not the preferred work out of many people but while they can be challenging thing to do, you will discover simpler methods to do them.  You don’t need to imagine you’re “Rocky”, and do them with one hand; just do what works for you.  Do half push- ups(knees on the ground instead of your feet), instead of doing the full push-ups. You can also just do it standing up and pushing against a wall. You will be developing your lower back, triceps, abs, chest, and shoulder muscles.

Doing Chores

The key to switching your outlook on chores and treating it as an exercise is just by concentrating on the ones that have the biggest calorie loss, like cleaning the tub or vacuuming. To get yourself in the right attitude, toss on your shoes and put on some high energy songs. If you want a real task, do some push-ups or the squat every time a new song begins to play.

There are many more ways to build body at home. All the things that require effort can be turned into an exercise. When at home, we neglect these things. Maybe it’s time we see beyond that and start living healthy and happy by exercising daily.

3 things that matter in boosting your endurance

Endurance is the power or the energy that you maintain to overcome challenges. When you have endurance it means you are enduring the challenges ahead. It doesn’t mean that even if your activities doesn’t necessarily demand physical activity, that you no longer need endurance. Endurance is a combination of mind, and physical drive. If you endured a 16 hour shift making reports without making any mistakes, that is already endurance.

boosting your endurance

When we mention endurance or the topic is all about endurance, people always goes to the topic of exercise. Exercise is the main action in order for you to increase your endurance and that is not questioned. But the fact here is that there is more to endurance than just exercise. People overlook the other stuffs, but today we will discuss something that most people with endurance articles does not discuss. It’s “the other stuff”.

The food that we eat: The food is your fuel, if you don’t eat you won’t have the energy or the endurance for that matter, to help you last or survive your activity. But not just any fuel, specific foods that are high in carbohydrates and protein. If you eat less or you eat wrong, it can affect your endurance, that is the reason why athletes have specific diets

You should learn about mind conditioning: The body can only be as good if you have a strong mind. There are times that, even if the body is weak that a person can still endure tasks thanks to the will of the mind. That is why when athletes train, they don’t just train with the body, they also train with the mind. Soldiers have this training, that is why they can endure almost anything, if you can have this kind of a conditioning, it can help you even with the most challenging exercises, helping you do more and endure more beating every time.

The importance of a good warm up: There are specific warm ups for every exercises and the best thing to know about that is through research. Warm up is as important as the exercise itself, the more that your body is conditioned for the beating, the better your endurance and performance will get. Warm ups help you prevent getting injured from your trainings or exercise. If you don’t have one or you don’t know the right warm up, do some leg work to know about it and once you do and apply it, you will see and experience the difference of a good warm up to your performance and endurance.

There are many ways to boost your endurance, but always never forget about the “other stuff” as well, like proper nutrition, mind conditioning and a good warm up. These are the thing that can be easily overlooked, especially if your mind is all about the work out. Boosting your endurance is more than just exercise, it’s the combination of physical activity and the “other stuff” that people usually take for granted.