Month: December 2016

Yeti Butting – A New Trend

Nowadays, everything gets easily socialized or spread among the people due to the rise in the demand and popularity of the social media. You must have seen even the weird things gain a lot of popularity on the social media. Anything which comes on the social media spreads quickly. Nowadays, you must have seen on Instagram the pictures of college girls in thongs sitting on a cooler showing their butt. This is trending nowadays, and is called yeti butting. Now, you must be thinking what is yeti butting?

Yeti butting is basically a pose in which a girl gets her picture clicked in just thongs showing her entire ass by sitting on a yeti cooler. Due to the use of the cooler, the term yeti butting is coined. The picture looks really hot with a girl all naked just wearing a thong and showing her butt completely. . It’s a new trend started in the colleges of America where, a girl sits on a yeti cooler and shows her butt.

what is yeti butting

The picture looks too hot and such pictures are trending on the Instagram. Every college girl is posting such pictures in which, she is sitting on the yeti cooler and her ass is visible over the thong. The pictures really look hot and sexy. Many people have not even heard the word and must be wondering what it is all about. The name has been coined just because of the yeti cooler on which the girl sits. The youth of this country are very frank and stylish. They don’t think a lot before doing any experiments. The latest pictures of the college girls in thongs showing the butts are an example of this.

There are many people who don’t take such pictures positively and treat them as vulgar. The boldness seems to be bad for them. But, if you like these pictures then, you should not think what others think about it. One thing is sure that the butt in the thongs looks sexy. There is nothing wrong in showing off your assets if you have a good one and posting such pictures is an example of that. Moreover, there are many pictures which you can see on the Intagram in which, a girl shows all her assets and is completely nude. But, in yeti butting, only the butt is visible and that too is covered by the thong.

Outstanding Umrah Package For Those Looking For Cheap Packages

The holy travel is a part of everyone’s life. The Muslims across the world take a trip to Umrah so that they can go to hajj. There are special packages which you can come across online. The cost is one of the prime concerns for people while traveling to the place. If you check out the online resources you can find wide range of resources offering different travel packages to the people. With wide range of choices it is easy to choose one of the packages according to the needs of the people. These packages include travelling from various places. So you can select the place from where you want to reach umrah and get an estimate of the total cost of your travel so that you can plan and book accordingly. The cost of these packages varies from one point of time to the other. At different seasons the cost would be different. According to your budget you can choose one of the packages or look for the package which is lowest among all. If you are looking for umrah packages including flights then you would come across excellent packages online.

Travelling To The Holy Place With The Family

If you want to save money while travelling to Umrah then the ideal thing is to choose the right travel package for yourself. This includes the stay and airlines. If the cost of the flight is too high or if the cost of your stay is high the overall cost would be too huge. Therefore any person has to plan accordingly and do some research so that they can find some of the best money saving deals for themselves. When you preplan your trip and book in advance you can get fair deals and save huge sum of money. There are some of the amazing airlines which provide umrah package which are outstanding. You can check out the cost of travel that per person would incur and get the estimate for the entire travel. These are very crucial for any travel as you can prepare yourself and fix your budget for the trip that you have proposed. Ideally for any holy trip it is planned with the entire family. In such an instance it is huge sum of money that you would need to keep aside. Therefore some amazing travel deals are very essential as it could save a huge sum of money for you.